It is inevitable that sometime during your freshman year you will get sick. Some weeks disease dances around your friendship circles like a game of tag, while other weeks it hits you all like the plague. I had my own case of the death during my freshman year in which my cough didn't leave for over a month. I finally gave in to my anxious parents, sick of hearing me choke through phone conversations, and went to the health center. The health center is awesome. I heart it completely and would never advise against going. Somehow I ended up with one of the nicest, most charming doctors who sported a hip goatee and made me feel, well, special. He told me that my cough was caused by my previously undiagnosed asthma, gave me an inhaler and sent me on my puzzled way.
Within the next few weeks, I met 4 other students who had been given the same diagnosis. The conclusion we all reached is that this doctor has been handing out the asthma diagnosis' like candy. I don't know if he is still up to it or not. Still, I would strongly recommend seeing him, if not for a correct diagnosis, then for the opportunity to be told something other than the reality that you just need more sleep.