WesBlog '09
Thursday, June 16, 2005
  Hall Booty is Bad Booty
Well, I don't know if I'm the best person to talk about this, but I might as well be the one to lay this down.

Hall booty is bad booty. You will hear this many times at Wesleyan throughout your career as a freshman. You will spend huge wads of time with the people on your hall for the first couple of months as you cling to each other for social warmth. This is all well and good and we all do it, but a warning.


You share a bathroom with them. Your friends are their friends. You will see them in the hall every day. Every day. No exceptions. When you break up, you will see who they're bringing home on Friday nights. They will see who you're bringing home on Friday nights. They will see you not bringing anyone home on Friday night and playing the Sims alone in your underwear.

It's just not a good idea. I've seen hallcest end badly, very, very badly and it ruins the entire hall for everyone.

Now, I guess, Dormcest should be addressed. Dormcest is not the same thing as Hallcest. I'm just going to say that and drop it. Thanks. Ok, bye.
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