the tech
Because you are getting all your information about college from kids who spend their summers blogging on the internet instead of working at sports camp or something, you have probably already heard the phrase "techie" used. So I figured I'd give a little history lesson.
It all began, for the techies at least, with a joke wespeak (an kind of letter-to-the-editor in the Argus, the campus newspaper) for the joke issue of the Argus, written by Adam Freelander to a freshman named Emmanuel Freemark who, in the campus mail room, was inadvertently given Adam's package slip. When Emmanuel picked up Adam's CD, he assumed it was promotional garbage and threw it out. When Adam found this out, he was annoyed, and wrote a wespeak in the joke issue, which for all intents and purposes should not have been taken seriously.
Well, in the next issue Adam got a response wespeak-- a real one, to be taken seriously. Along with insulting Adam's height and sexual prowess, it included these choice lines (typos included)
"This letter symbolizes not just a man’s gripe over a stolen CD, but also the essence of the intra-campus war between you, the tech-ie, and me, the athlete. For seven months I watched you and the rest of the tech-ies as you prance around this campus, performing ancient tribal dances, having circle jerk ceremonies and giving speeches during mealtime, during which I never hesitate to drop as many cups as possible onto the MoConn floor."
So, basically, there you have it. There are kids who come to Wesleyan from every possible point of view, but in the end, some people take it upon themselves to divide campus between athletes and everyone else, which could range from the LARPers to activists, intramural frisbee players to Foss Hill hippies. And to be honest, there is something of a divide between hardcore athletes/Greek members/associated friends, but not a war as Mr. Freemark would like you to think. But the cup-dropping during speeches in MoCon is obnoxious as shit, and if I catch any of you doing it I won't friend you on facebook. BURN!