WesBlog '09
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Hey all! Welcome to my new baby! WesBlog '09 is for all you incoming froshies. Just for you. It is Paris Hilton-free and entirely different from totesumbrellas. I plan to recruit a few more Wesleyan students to provide short stories about their experience here. Some posts may be written essays, some may be a sentence, some may be poetry, and some may even include music by Wesleyan bands (if I can track it down). Maybe I'll delve slightly into the pop culture world by giving a shoutout to some of our famous alums. Basically, it's time to get CRAZY excited for Wes.
Famous alums? Do we still get to be snobby about Michael Bay, at least?
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A totesumbrellas production: a blog made strictly to inform incoming Wesleyan froshies about the ways of the cardinal.

June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 /

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