WesBlog '09
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Two entries back I mentioned Teen Homicide, a six minute pilot made by Wesleyan class of '06 members Jess Lane, Jordan Fish, and Jon Golbe for the Upright Citizen's Brigade's Channel102.

Here is the first episode...TEEN HOMICIDE.
(if this link doesn't work download Quicktime 7)

Here is the good news...Out of the ten pilots that were aired, including those that were returning for Prime Time...Teen Homicide got the second most votes!!! This means that they'll be returning with a second episode. I'm excited.

Lastly, you might be going to school with Haley Joel Osment, the not-so-little-now boy from The Sixth Sense and Forrest Gump. I saw him yesterday walking out of an admissions info session. Let's get the class of 2010 rumors started already! And maybe you can all start writing him fan letters about why he should come to Wes. Unfortunately, he didn't go on my tou...and I was sad. Let me also say that Denzel Washington's daughter was supposed to come visit, but that hasn't happened yet. Either way, Denzel called admissions...and that's pretty sweet.
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A totesumbrellas production: a blog made strictly to inform incoming Wesleyan froshies about the ways of the cardinal.

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